Sunday 27 October 2013

Day 5- Matthew Vickers

 Day 5

Today was the last full day of activities, and what a day it was. Woke up, 0630 hours, realising that we had an hour and a half until breakfast, so we did what any sane Brit would do, watched Match of the Day on BBC. Breakfast came with sausages and cucumber. What a treat. After that, we got on the barmy bus for another solid few hours of driving towards the Capital City, Reykjavik. After a long and tedious journey listening to 'World War 2 Film Themes' including the famous Dambusters theme. So, whilst driving through the lava fields, Mr Dalton, as official expedition photographer, asked our fantastic bus driver, David, to pull over and get another few pictures, as he is an expert photographer by night and teacher by day. We ventured back to the bus and started heading west towards a beach, not just any beach, a beach with black sand and fierce waters. So, we did what any teen would do and attacked the Greek God Poseidon, with rocks. He retaliated by soaking us. Shame Lexy fell over, although it was kinda funny. And again, we got on the bus and drove, and kept driving through the miraculous country of Iceland. Eventually we reached a small town, Skogofoss, which was complemented with an awe inspiring waterfall. I couldn't be bothered to climb to the top with Angus Farr and Tom Greaves, so I decided to get again soaked by the splash back of the waterfall with Max Dalton and the spontaneous Jamie Stevens. Now it was the final straight, to the Blue Lagoon. We were told that the journey would take a mere 20 minutes, but add an hour on and you have the final time of the journey. We arrived to find a massive queue. FINALLY. We're in. Now, it got disturbing. We got into the changing rooms to find 1 little cubicle, so the men were getting changed naked in front of our eyes. We stuck out like sore thumbs. Even a blind man could tell that we were typical British folk. We walked through the showers with our eyes closed, and made it in the heated pool, where we chucked facial cream at one another. When we left we were headed to our hotel in Reykjavik for the final night. We dumped our bags off and drove for tea at a pizza restaurant, where we fought valiantly to eat the most pizza slices. I myself struggled to eat 8, but the overall winners were the 2 year 11s Sandy and Jake. When we arrived back at Foss Hotel Baron, we said goodbye to our bus driver, David, and we are now resting for the early morning start at 0500 hours. Oh joy. And to top off the day, Sunderland beat Newcastle 2-1!!!!!!!!
Matthew Vickers

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