Friday 25 October 2013

Day 3- Jessica Mitchell

Today was completely jam-packed and jaw-dropping. After leaving the staff of Hotel Gullfoss amazed at how loud a group of 20 people could be (!), we headed to Seljandafoss. It was quite a long journey so we stopped off at a little town to stretch our legs.
Seljandafoss was incredible. I think that it is fantastic how you can walk behind it! Although the path was now a strip of black ice due to the spray from the waterfall freezing. People's techniques of descending the very slippery steps were...interesting. All in all we had fun and saw some amazing views.
To follow, we went to see a film about the 2010 volcanic eruption which we can all remember from the news or being stranded in a different country! The farm featured was just outside the little centre and made me realise we were very close to the actual volcano (and hoping it didn't decide to erupt again!!!). 
Our last excursion of the day was to walk on the Sólheimajökull Glacier. It was completely different than I expected but in a good way! We kitted up in harnesses, helmets and crampons before heading on the the Glacier. Walking on the ice was easier than I thought (famous last words!!!). You had to be careful not to fall in the holes (named a Moulin) which went down various depths, some being extremely deep. We were all connected to ropes with the idea being that if one of us falls down, we don't disappear! We walked quite a way up and many of us drank the cold water just under the ice. On the way back, somebody fell over and hurt their knee on the ice. It hurt a lot (I don't know this personally because it wasn't me!!!). Luckily, as Mr Dalton said, we had no problem getting any ice for it!!! At least I have a souvenir of a nice big bruise (don't worry Mum and Dad, I haven't broken another bone!!!).
We then arrived at Hotel Laki which is lovely, warm and there are very cool chairs in our rooms! Also, they do serve gravy with lamb, not chocolate sauce (don't ask) !!!
Jess Mitchell

1 comment:

  1. Jess, I am expecting you to write an account in French when you return. Bon sejour et bon vol demain.
